Minister Heyliger-Marten meets with BIP SXM

The Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport & Telecommunication (Minister of TEATT), Mrs. Grisha Heyliger-Marten and her support staff met with the Supervisory Board, Director and the team of the Bureau for Intellectual Property Sint Maarten (the Bureau/BIP SXM) for an introductory meeting.

During the meeting, the Supervisory Board, Director and the team members of the Bureau introduced themselves and highlighted their individual roles within the organization. The Director, Mrs. Vincentia Rosen-Sandiford gave a presentation outlining the Bureau’s (legal) tasks and responsibilities. The meeting also provided an opportunity to discuss pending matters with the Minister.

The Supervisory Board and Director of BIP SXM looks forward to a successful and fruitful working relationship with the Minister and alongside the Ministry of TEATT.

A follow-up meeting with the Minister TEATT, is scheduled to take place within short. "I will be returning to meet with BIP to discuss strategies for increasing revenues and supporting our creatives within the Orange economy", says Minister Heyliger-Marten.

Picture (left to right): Mr. Edsel Gumbs (Chairman), Mrs. Grisha Heyliger-Marten (Minister of TEATT), Mrs. Vincentia Rosen-Sandiford (Director BIP SXM), Mr. Cresburk Browne (Board member), Mr. Richard Patrick 'attended virtually' (Board member).

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