Register your Trademark
Registering online
The fastest and easiest way to register a trademark is through the online process.
You can apply for the registration of your trademark by downloading the application form and emailing the filled out form to
The application will be completed with the payment of the necessary fees.
Registering a trademark on paper
You can also apply for the registration of your trademark by downloading and printing out the same application form . The explanatory notes will guide you through the application form and help you fill it out correctly. The form can be saved using Acrobat Reader, version 8 and up. Send the completed form by post to the BIP SXM office.
Go to the explanatory notes
Need help applying for your trademark?
If you have any questions about filling out this form you can contact our office. Our staff can provide you with further details on the relevant procedures. If you would like other kinds of advice, please contact a trademark agent or specialized lawyer within the Kingdom of the Netherlands (the Netherlands, Caribbean Netherlands, Curaçao, Sint-Maarten, Aruba). If you are in doubt our office can assist you with any questions you might have on the trademarks application process, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Go to Trademark Representatives
International Nice Classification
When you apply for a trademark (a national trademark, an EU trademark, or an international trademark), you need to know which Goods and Services you wish your trademark to cover. These will be the Goods and Services that you either already use your trademark for, or those that you are likely to use in the near future.
Goods and Services are divided into different classes according to the Nice classification. There are presently 34 Goods classes and 11 Services classes. For example: Clothing, Footwear and Headgear are in Class 25.
Registering your trademark in the Sint Maarten register gives you the exclusive right to use the trademark for certain goods (products) and services ( see: international Nice classification edition version 11-2021) within Sint Maarten, for a(n) (extendable) period of 10 years.
Established by the Nice Agreement (1957), this system classifies goods and services for the purpose of registering trademarks. It is updated every five years. The system groups products into 45 classes (classes 1-34 include goods and classes 35-45 embrace services) and allows users seeking to trademark a good or service to choose from these classes as appropriate. Since the system is recognized in numerous countries, it makes applying for trademarks internationally a more streamlined process. The classification system is specified by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
Use of the Nice Classification is mandatory not only for the national registration of marks in countries party to the Nice Agreement, but also for the international registration of marks effected by the African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI), the African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO), the Benelux Office for Intellectual Property (BOIP), the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and the International Bureau of WIPO. The Nice Classification is also applied in a number of countries not party to the Nice Agreement. (source WIPO)